Reedsville, WV Reviews

2 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Reedsville

Reedsville, West Virginia is a small town located in the northern part of the state. With a population of just over 600 residents, it is known for its rural and peaceful atmosphere. Many people are drawn to live in Reedsville for its affordable cost of living and stunning natural scenery. However, there are also some drawbacks to living in this small town, such as limited job opportunities and a lack of recreational activities. To gain a better understanding of what it's like to live in Reedsville, I have summarized and included excerpts from several user reviews on

- "I have lived in Reedsville for over 20 years and I couldn't be happier. The community is very tight-knit and everyone knows each other. It's a great place to raise a family and enjoy a slower pace of life." - Mary, resident for 20+ years.

- "If you're looking for a quiet and peaceful place to live, Reedsville is the perfect spot. The cost of living is very reasonable and the town is surrounded by beautiful mountains. However, the lack of job opportunities can make it difficult to find work here." - Mark, resident for 5 years.

- "I moved to Reedsville for its small-town charm and have not been disappointed. The people are friendly and welcoming, the scenery is breathtaking, and the cost of living is much lower than where I used to live. It's a great place to retire or raise a family." - Emily, resident for 2 years.

- "I've been living in Reedsville for a year and it's been a great change of pace from city life. The town is quiet and peaceful, and it's nice to be surrounded by nature. However, I do wish there were more activities and events to participate in." - John, resident for 1 year.

Overall, it seems that the majority of residents enjoy living in Reedsville for its small-town community and natural surroundings. However, the limited job opportunities and lack of activities may not appeal to everyone. It's important to consider these factors before deciding to make Reedsville your home.

 based on 2 Reviews
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Needing contact information - 9/8/2009
I am doing a family story for my grandchildren and when one of them was born wqe lived in Reedsvills and my husband worked for Sterling Farms. This was 45 years ago and I would love to find a sourse for some information during that time and perhaps some pictures. I am working on this for Christmas gifts and appreciate any help ou can give Read More

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New Deal History - 2/27/2006
Arthurdale WV doesn't seem to be listed here. It is one mile from Reedsville. A New Deal homestead community and pet project of Eleanor Roosevelt. Charming country cottages and quiet country living are the big Read More

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